Monday, March 30, 2009

3 days non-stop 21 yrs old bday celebration... =="

Thursday 19 March 2009

Ah Zou bday!!
we went to Yuen steambot near sunway ther to celebrate his bday... ^^

afterthat we went Cooler to have a fw botol of "Western Tea".. haha
Then we play Pool at Old town... loser pay for the next game...
althougt its his bday... he team wv Guo Hau also must lose... wahahaha.. "no giv face"..
play until around 3am and then go bak...

Friday 20 March 2009

Its Nono bday!!! my bro during foundation in MMU...
He is celebrating his bday at his hometown Tangkak...
so on that day afternoon i went bak to Malacca...

once i reached Malacca take a bath n went to Dataran Pahlawan to choose a present for him...
finally when to buy a Polo belt... hope he will lik it...
after finish shop... we went to Tangkak from Malacca...
it tooks around 45mins to reach ther...
hanging around wv old buddy ther, chit chat, take a fw botol of beer and some Cordon Bleu...

around 12am we took off and went bak to mlc...

Saturday 21 March 2009

ah You, bro, Buddy...
how can I miss his bday celebration...
as u all noe.. im in Malacca... so i took 12.30pm bus to KL... around 3pm reached Pudu, KL...

aftertat, I walk to Pasar Seni Station...

I took Rapid KL to Putrajaya and then change another bus bak to Cyberjaya...
I hate take bus!!!!>.<
reach cyberjaya around 6pm...
rest awhile... take a bath... then take my dinner....
aftertat when to KL meet them and went to Luna Bar...

Night view at Luna Bar...

The Smoker...

Happy Bday to "You"... ^^


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